Monday, September 20, 2010

MCC Jersey 2010 takes maiden ride

We took our new jersey for a ride last Sunday, 19 September 2010. In this ride, we also tested how comfortable the materials and paint are.

We happily noted that the material is comfortable. The cut fits nicely. It is cool especially under the mid-day sun. The jersey remained relatively dry after our run; our sweat is drawn outward by the material. The paint used is not hot to the body, unlike in our earlier jersey wherein the paint is hot where it contacts the skin.

The design also looks very cool and pleasant to the eye. The only "loud" color is the golden yellow center pocket at the back, which is very visible even from 50 feet away.

Overall, we are very happy with our new jersey, with our designer-member (Andy Eugenio), and with our new tailor (BikeMate).

Below is a short video of our run.
From MCC Jersey 2010 takes maiden ride

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